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What should i conclude from this guy? - Printable Version

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What should i conclude from this guy? - miniatureSpecialist983 - 04-27-2014 10:45 PM

This guy and I are somewhat friends/acquaintances, I live in the same apt as his grandma and he comes there everyday. We're also pre-med so sometimes he messages me on fb asking me stuff about programs and stuff. Recently, he had started waving at me when he saw me at home and saying hi (sometimes I feel like he's too shy and awkward aorund me because once i was outside w/ a friend and he was too and he didn't look at me when he had waved to me when I was inside). He always looks at me when going inside his gmas apt and I thought he could be showing interest. I had put on fb that I was in a relationship ( not true but to see if it'd do anything and fyi it's after I'd posted this that he started saying hi for 2 months)). I saw him again and saw a brace on his leg and asked about it on fb and he told me he was ok and he wears it for stability for bball. 2 days After he showed up at the apts w/ a girl (he never brought any girl to his gmas, and his grandma wasn't home) he was only there for 20 min and the screen door was open so I know he didn't bring her there to get laid. I just was confused about why a guy would do this? FYI he knows I would see him because I'm home at that time and would see them pass infront of my apt

we also have this weird history where we didn't know eachother and he asked why i wanted to hang out w/ him so much. I ended up saying I didn't like him and then he ended up saying he had a gf he was happy with. After all of that the above story happened

- Nino - 04-27-2014 10:48 PM

My opinion is that the question you need to to be asking is do you have feelings for him. If so just ask him out for a drink. Us men are are a lot more shy and nervous about relationships than girls believe.

- Bianca - 04-27-2014 10:57 PM

He obviously likes you, you should talk to him more, and maybe he was jealous. and when you said you didn't like him, I mean what would you reply to that?? I'd either say I don't like you either or I have a boyfriend. So yeah he may have a gf but might of said that just because you said you didn't like him. Yall obviously like each other. Work it out and dont be scared take a chance.