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Where Can I Advertise My Yahoo Group?!? - Printable Version

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Where Can I Advertise My Yahoo Group?!? - kingronald11 - 04-27-2014 10:47 PM

I have recently started a Naruto RPG group, and I have very few people who are actually in it. I'm trying to get more people to join so it will be more fun to my players, but I don't know where I can go to advertise it to a massive crowd of people. I was wondering if anybody here knew where I can go and if they would be interested in joining.

- DocHalloween - 04-27-2014 10:52 PM

I promoted our group on my personal web pages. I also put it in my signature of my messages in the relevant forums that I frequent. Word of mouth (or recommendations from members to their friends) also helped. An author of a role-playing game even advertised the group in his book! Others have mentioned MySpace & Facebook being a good option as well as relevant chat rooms. Oh, another essential help is a really great "Description" about your group and an awesome picture.