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Why Do We Have So Much Doctor Bashing? - Printable Version

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Why Do We Have So Much Doctor Bashing? - anthony d - 04-27-2014 10:59 PM

I notice when I read news articles and people mentioning harsh words about medical doctors being greedy and only care about their HUGE bank accounts as of late. Why? Aren't doctors here to help and treat those that are ill?

- Joseph the Second - 04-27-2014 11:02 PM

Because People Freak out when Their Doctor Bills come Due ?! :o

- Sarah - 04-27-2014 11:08 PM

It might have something to do with the numerous republican doctors who have openly stated that they will stop 'treating those who are ill' because they care more about money than caring for their patients.

- Joe - 04-27-2014 11:15 PM

Shut up, Sarah. Those are not "Republicans." You need to have your mom wash your mouth out with soap.

The fact is that most doctors are not very good at treating diseases. They have a database of pills for every condition and it often doesn't go beyond trying to suppress symptoms without understanding causes.

- Achilles Peleus - 04-27-2014 11:24 PM

"The fact is that most doctors are not very good at treating diseases. They have a database of pills for every condition and it often doesn't go beyond trying to suppress symptoms without understanding causes."

It seems many doctors do just that. To me it seems that many of this doctors get into medicine without any real purpose, they simply see a good job with good pay plus a prestigious degree and so decide to go to med school. After they realize the amount of work and don't do it right.

Go see a doctor and it seems he/she spends 3/4 of the time writing notes and then simply writes a prescription.

- midnyteryder1961 - 04-27-2014 11:34 PM

We need more doctors. More doctors is the only real solution to the "health care crisis."

Obama care is targeted at insurance... but not the real problem.

- picador - 04-27-2014 11:36 PM

Those who go undergo the rigors entailed in getting licenced as an MD may have been encouraged to do so for monetary, humanitarian or status reasons. It doesn't matter what the motivation was; what counts is how good they are their job. I can think of no advisory occupation more objectively, more closely scrutinized, or more stringently accountable than that of a doctor. If any working stiff deserves a break, it is a doctor.

- Kristine Sixteen - 04-27-2014 11:39 PM

@Sarah- Your truelly a Ignoramus! Or your 12.

- livelywish227 - 04-27-2014 11:48 PM

You clearly haven't yet been treated by a bad doctor yet. Good for you.

- MoreOvaltinePlease - 04-27-2014 11:51 PM

Because American doctors over charge their patients, and make the decision on whether to cure the person or not based on their income. If you have the money you're cured, if you don't have the money doctors keep you alive just to collect your money until your body can't take the meds any more.