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Google Chrome or Firefox? - Printable Version

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Google Chrome or Firefox? - skinnyrose037 - 04-27-2014 11:02 PM

Curious if anyone uses Google Chrome and if so is it better then FF? I'm about done with Firefox and all it's crashing or freezing on anything that has flash.

If not Chrome then what other browser is better with pc.

- Shifty Rabit - 04-27-2014 11:05 PM

Chrome is better and newer. Both are made by Google I believe.

Opera is a decent browser might want to give that a shot if Firefox or Chrome aint your thing.

- ukr@dbcc - 04-27-2014 11:10 PM

I love chrome, but it really matters what you prefer. Chrome has a faster reaction time unless your pc has a virus. It is also one of the most modern browser.

- Very Classy - 04-27-2014 11:19 PM

i use google chrome and its better than firefox. when i had firefox it crashed and froze but google chrome doesnt do that. if google chrome doesnt work for u, use Opera. Its a good site engine too.

hope this helps


- Ricardo - 04-27-2014 11:24 PM

yeah google chrome is much better and there are hardly any crashes unless you over do it, chrome is much faster and has more customization to it like having your own background on the program and everything seems to run more smoothly ive used IE and Firefox but i like google chrome much better

- Michael - 04-27-2014 11:27 PM

I would recommend sticking with Google Chrome since it has the robust support of Google themselves. Google Chrome support HTML5 and many more recently advanced web code that's out there. (ie. CSS, OpenGL, AJAX, JavaScript, etc.)

Firefox is NOT made by Google. Shifty Rabit is wrong. Mozilla is maintained by the Open Source community of the Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation. Mozilla and Firefox have nothing to do with Google and Google Chrome. Mozilla is a non-profit organization...

Right now Google Chrome is leading the pack on browsers so deciding to go with them would be a solid decision.

- john - 04-27-2014 11:32 PM

Steer clear of google chrome ... it's spyware. Firefox has gone to the dawgs (slow and buggy). If you like the speed and features of Chrome then try "SRWare Iron" browser which is chrome-based (the spyware has been removed). I repeat ... don't use the google chrome spyware browser.

For those doubters: Ask yourself ... Why would google bring out a browser if there was no commercial reason in it for them to do so? Google had something to gain (as they always do). I have verified this piece of spyware is transmitting packets back to the google servers (using wireshark) and it does this without your firewall ever seeing the packets (bypassing the firewall). It does this without you even accessing any webpage after you start the chrome browser (!!!!!). This is my opinion based on testing I have done recently. I also suspect they may be looking at your stored passwords but I need to run a file-access utility to verify this and as yet have not invested the time on this suspicion.