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my bf made a fake fb of me? can i do something? - Printable Version

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my bf made a fake fb of me? can i do something? - straightgirl760 - 04-27-2014 11:05 PM

my ex bf made a fake facebook of me and put up pics of us and some videos. but its not porn or anything... just us chilling. but i dont like it because i dont want my brother and parent finding out because they are very strict. can anything be done about this? he cant call me because he dont have my number but its like harrassement putting pics of me and him and videos up online

- Lina - 04-27-2014 11:09 PM

report the fb profile, contact someone from fb staff

- SandraLAVixen - 04-27-2014 11:16 PM

First, you need to report it, to the Facebook TOS violations reporting page:

Then, you need to notify others about the fake profile, there are community watch groups on Facebooks that help up the number of reports in order to actually get the fake profile removed:

Stop Fake Profiles:

Basically you need to get the "flag count" high enough on the fake profile in order for the system to disable or remove it.