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He hasn't replied :/? - Printable Version

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He hasn't replied :/? - Misunderstoodmusic815 - 04-27-2014 11:07 PM

Me and this guy have been messaging on Twitter, I replied to his latest message and he still hasn't replied to mine after 2 days- I don't get it because he was the one to start the latest conversation?
He has an iPhone and I was wondering, could it be because sometimes iPhone's screw up with direct messages on Twitter?

- DanceSki - 04-27-2014 11:12 PM

On my twitter (on a iphone) I don't always get notifications for my direct messages. See if he replies and if he doesn't just re send the same message Smile

- anonymous - 04-27-2014 11:15 PM

As much as I like Twitter it's a bit shit at sending notifications so I tend to avoid conversations like that on Twitter and stick to Facebook.