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I got a Ipod touch for my birthday? - Printable Version

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I got a Ipod touch for my birthday? - teenyplant030 - 04-27-2014 11:12 PM

So a couple of weeks ago, my mom bought me an Ipod touch for my birthday and I downloaded a few stuff on it, the usual such as vine, tumblr, kik, and instagram whatever. my friend and i were chatting and stuff, she sent me a screenshot of her home screen. at the top it says verizon while mine says Ipod witht he wifi signal. Am I suppose to hook my Ipod with my phone plan? My mom bought my Ipod at best buy or target i believe. It's really bothering me since my friend's says t mobile and verizon. and when i go outside, my music stop playing and it says no wifi signal. :/ HELP

- Drunkenbait382 - 04-27-2014 11:22 PM

Thats because they have a form of an iphone or they bought a brand type from those speficoric type store (i know specific is wrong just trying to be weird and dont worry bout it

- haloman180 - 04-27-2014 11:29 PM

That's because they have Iphones