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How do I get followers on Twitter to buy my products? - Printable Version

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How do I get followers on Twitter to buy my products? - Ruth - 10-01-2012 02:33 AM

I recently just released an eBook that I wrote on how to cure acne naturally and I want to get followers on Twitter to buy my book. How do I go about doing this? I have about 5,000 followers, but I have only had one sale for my product come from Twitter. Should I even bother with Twitter then?

- Audrey - 10-01-2012 02:41 AM

Trying to get sale conversions on your products with Twitter is not that easy. It all depends on who is following you on Twitter, if they see your tweets, if they are intrigued enough to click through to your website, and if they have money for your product. That is a lot of ifs.

If I were you, I would put my focus on other promotion techniques that are known to work. Things like article marketing is a good start. Or maybe look for natural cure forums where you can put your signature for your eBook in your posts. If you were able to write the eBook, then you most likely you can write a few articles and post them on article directory sites to get traffic to your website. Just be sure to use the proper keywords so that people come across your articles when they are searching for a product like yours.

Also, be sure that your website or landing page sounds professional and really sells your product so that you can get more conversions. Lastly, set up an opt-in email list on your website because most people will not buy the product the first time they come across it, but it may take up to 3 or 4 more times seeing the product for them to finally decide to buy it.

If you want more info, I learned a lot about social media and promoting my products from this guy named Matt Bacak. His website is You will find everything you need on his site or even invest in a subscription of his newsletter.