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can i have 2 internet connections at one house? - Printable Version

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can i have 2 internet connections at one house? - Tracy Sweetheart - 04-27-2014 11:19 PM

my roommate has optimum and either has a very poor router or just a bad wi-fi signal. When I moved in I had called optimum to see about getting my own internet and also adding cable. However optimum will not all 2 accounts at one address. Whenever I try to play World of Warcraft I constantly get dced. His router is in the next room so I should be in plenty of range.

Alot of times it will say that I am still connected to the internet but I lag out of WoW or there are times that it will say I am not connected to the internet.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do or if I would be able to get another provider for my own use as this is getting quite tiresome and annoying.

Thanks in advance!

- anon - 04-27-2014 11:26 PM

Yes you can just call them

- Andrew - 04-27-2014 11:30 PM

This will require a lot of money, as you will have to add a new wire to your house or (if you have satellite Internet) a new dish and wire to your house. Altogether, you're looking at somewhere near $2,000 for installation and first month's bill. AT&T U-Verse is Satellite, rarely goes out (the power was out in my entire city, including my house due to a bad storm, yet the modem still worked and I was able to connect 3 laptops and an iPhone), is fairly inexpensive and generally pays ETF's if you decide to switch in the middle of a contract. Also, if you have a friend or family member who uses U-Verse, use them as a reference to save money on your first bill. If not, email me and you can use me as your referral!

P.S. I you decide to switch to anything else and dump your old provider, you will not need a new line added to your house so dont have to worry about a huge installation fee.

- Arman - 04-27-2014 11:39 PM

of course you can.

- Barresto - 04-27-2014 11:44 PM

Yes you can have, but there is no need of that according to me.