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How do you feel when people FB stalk you ? - Printable Version

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How do you feel when people FB stalk you ? - TheFriendlyPurpleDragon - 04-27-2014 11:22 PM

Like you know checking your profile practically everyday , looking through all your likes, pictures and even posts from far back. Personally, me idc. But you guys how do u feel if someone is stalking you like that on FB ?

- Rainair - 04-27-2014 11:26 PM

my friend used to do this, it was really weird, she'd always go to the walls of people i posted something on or befriended, etc. then question me about it .
I didn't like that shit at all and told her she needed to stop
I'm a personal person so just being on fb is a little sketchy for me, but if I feel someone is stalking me i either tell them to stop or deactivate c;

- fatvoyage332 - 04-27-2014 11:36 PM

I'm on my FB twice a week there won't be much to see
And to busy to care.