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Is this a normal behavior for a 40something year old MAN?Women obsession...? - Printable Version

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Is this a normal behavior for a 40something year old MAN?Women obsession...? - Lili - 04-27-2014 11:22 PM

Ok, MEN, ladies ..I really need your help on this.
I am trying to gain some perspective here.
I just broke up with a guy, he’s 42 , divorced. I am 32.

I couldn’t bare his constant attention seeking online. He would post a lot online on facebook, and he would like every other photo of a woman / women ( specially if semi-nude, exposing or at times nude)..liking and even commenting on it at times.
I told him I find that disrespectful to me, especially as I could see it clearly popping up on my page.
He said it is me and my insecurities and i shoudl work on it!!!??
I mean…would you ladies not mind at all and this a normal behaviour?

We now broke up and as from what I see he’s gone even worse than when he was with me…naturally.

I really don’t know whether it’s me and my conservative up-bringing ( and believe me I am no angel) but this is a bit much for me.

What do you think?
By the way i do not mind him looking but he could have at least kept it for himself and not like and comment all over internet

- starfish - 04-27-2014 11:28 PM

Does it matter? You didn't like it, so you ended the relationship, as you should have.

Now you don't have to worry about it.

- Ryde,0n - 04-27-2014 11:38 PM

Yes , many women are too insecure to bare their men looking at pictures .

- Blue SKY - 04-27-2014 11:46 PM

He's a bit immature and you're insecure, so this wasn't going to work out anyway.

- Dufus - 04-27-2014 11:53 PM

I completely agree with you. It is very disrespectful for your man to be doing such things. It's one thing to look, but these are women that he's friending, making comments on/to and contacting. I would not at all be cool with that. It's a slippery slope. Where does it end??? Look but don't touch; touch but don't taste; taste but don't swallow... You did the right thing in leaving him. You deserve a real man that will love you and only you and will only have eyes for you Smile

- Cohen - 04-28-2014 12:01 AM

I'm sorry.. Please explain why men are in committed relationships and yet they still look at nude pics of other women, when did that become ok? Oh yeah I guess women these days have no spine and are so desperately pathetic enough to put up with really dumb sh*t like that.
I'm sorry, I'm 21 and would never put up with that. I'm attractive and married, my husband loves me and feels no need to look at porn or other women.
You should look for a more mature man who doesn't view women as sex toys.
The only type of men who look at that stuff are the ones who see no problem disrespecting women.
The fact that he's attracted to such low class women should be enough to make anyone with a brain run away.
Old fashioned I may be, but I've dumped plenty of losers when I realized I deserved better.

- Pick This - 04-28-2014 12:06 AM

I say, if you're going to be in a committed relationship, a man has an obligation to at least be discreet about looking at other women. It's simple courtesy.

- l8tr g8tr - 04-28-2014 12:12 AM

Starfish nailed it...

If it bothered you so much you could have hidden that from your newsfeed...or asked him to hide his commentary from the newsfeed. I had a relative that viewed some adult video stuff on FB and it would show on the newsfeed...I didn't think he needed the world to know that so I tipped him off and he took care of it.'s amazing what it can do!

I don't care if my man watches porn or checks out other long as he and I have a good relationship and he's not flaunting it in my face...

- Poopy, Just Poopy - 04-28-2014 12:19 AM

Starfish is right, Starfish is always right.. and not an inconsiderate chocolate starfish, either.

- Fearlessdinner498 - 04-28-2014 12:28 AM

Thats what blokes do, but I think he should have been a bit more subtle about it, especially as you were on it too. I don't agree with adults being on FB.