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Are we just people who get together when drunk? - Printable Version

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Are we just people who get together when drunk? - quiettank248 - 04-27-2014 11:23 PM

im 16.last year I met this boy at a party,we ended up making out/kissing(he also told some boy i was talking texting to 'fuck off').. next day followed me on instagram(and liked a random picture)also added me on facebook.. we ended up at the same party again, he was kinda following me.. we started snapchatting loads and he'd keep mentioning when we kissed and were together at the party etc.. week later i went to my friends house, it was just her, me, my friend and the boy.. we all drank, me and him ended up cuddling, he was holding my butt and stroking the inside of my thigh.. A week later i saw him at the bus stop,with his friend waiting for their bus, their bus came but he said to his friend 'get on the bus ill get another one', next thing you know he comes up to me and we have a chat and he gets really close to me.. at another party he ended up sitting on me& then we lay on the sofa together hugging.. last night we were in a taxi he was holding my inner thigh&toched my vagina area but i got his hand and held it to stop him, then he put his hand on my lower back with his fingers at/inside the top of my knickers/underwear, (but then i held his hand&pulled my top down to stop him as we were with my friend). he kept slapping my butt and boobs, he sat in a shopping trolley and he made me sit on him and he rested his hands under my tshirt on my hipbone.. he sounds like a dick but he looks after me&we are really gd friends now,but we always end up together when drunk.WHAT ARE WE?

- Mike - 04-27-2014 11:26 PM

Just friends

- Dee - 04-27-2014 11:27 PM

friend with benefits maybe or just f**k buddies
Good Luck

- melissa - 04-27-2014 11:36 PM

Your friends with benefits. I'd say if you want a relationship start looking for someone else or talk to him and let him know you want more. It won't happen on its own though. You've got to make it happen.

- lola - 04-27-2014 11:43 PM

I think he might be using you sweetie , or , if he does really look after you , he does like you... ask him about everything? tell him its confusing you and you want to know where you stand with him because im sure you don't want to feel used. good luck girl!