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If you have Google Chrome....? - Printable Version

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If you have Google Chrome....? - bigpet267 - 04-27-2014 11:23 PM

When you download something on Google Chrome, does your computer say "This type of file might harm your computer. Are you sure you want to download exe.?"

Will my computer really be harmed if I download something on Google Chrome?
It always says that everytime I download something on Google Chrome.
I downloaded something right now and it said it.

- mario - 04-27-2014 11:27 PM

Yes it says that and no it wont harm it. You as the user just need to be sure you're downloading what you think you are. Say you want to download a movie. over 1,000,000 links will pop up all saying "click to download" but only a few of them actually are a movie while the others are viruses.

- Rolando - 04-27-2014 11:36 PM

No it wont be harmed. Mine does say the same thing. Im pretty sure all Google Chrome users have that.

- kali - 04-27-2014 11:39 PM

its just warning you that it's potential. You wouldn't be able to sue them saying that you weren't warned. It'll say that every time.

- Harry-son - 04-27-2014 11:47 PM

The warning is just to make sure you know what you are doing! Don't worry!