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My Dad got a FB, not happy bout it? - Printable Version

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My Dad got a FB, not happy bout it? - Absterbabe!!! - 04-27-2014 11:24 PM i don't get along with my dad..he's an alcoholic and i need to be away from him. So a month or so ago my brothers decided to take him to best buy and help him get a my dad is really computer illiterate...he knows nothing about them...he takes forever to type, asks stupid and obvious questions i click once or twice...stuff like that. Now my brother justin helped him get an email account set up and an fb...he's added my brothers and sister..and my brother suggested that i add him too. I ignored the first request because i really don't want him to see my fb or talk to him at all...he's made my life miserable and has not been a good father at all...i'm in therapy and have a lot of problems because of him. Now this morning he got on and requested that i add him and i ignored him again.

My question is, Do you have certain ppl in your family that u would rather not be friends with on FB or talk to? Are u disgusted with them trying to be involved in your life when u want them as far away from u as possible? I know it sounds mean, but its better for me to be away from my dad than be around him, there is a lot of drama and issues with my dad that i would rather not deal with...and seeing him on facebook just makes me feel like he's trying to pry into my business. I'm trying to become a better person and recover from my childhood or lack having my dad as a friend on facebook would completely ruin all the progress i've made. What would u do in my situation?

- 1540 - 04-27-2014 11:30 PM

If it was me I would just keep ignoring his requests and keep my fb private. I do not have a fb at all because of my severely dysfunctional family. I just would rather not have to deal with them at all.

Edit: I think you can block him. Not sure if that would block requests but you can try it.

- Froak! - 04-27-2014 11:35 PM

It's completely within your right given the details you describe. Just keep ignoring the friend requests from him.

- creed - 04-27-2014 11:37 PM

'trying to be a better person, so having my dad on facebook would ruin all the progress'...ya got me @ how illiterate he is..where do you think you came from when you couldn't wipe your own butt..couldn't count to 10 @ the age o 5, etc, pity, sorry...put him on facebook , or get off yourself...