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Neigbour Picking up Internet Please Help? - Printable Version

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Neigbour Picking up Internet Please Help? - Mark - 04-27-2014 11:25 PM

So my neigbour is picking up my internet that has a password. I know he is because i look at my network and it says he is connected. I was just wondering how to get him off of it. Keep in mind i am no computer geek so please dont start talking about things that an average person doesnt know about without explaining it well.Thank you for taking the time and reading my question and im Looking forward to your responses.

- Monojgj . - 04-27-2014 11:33 PM

if you have Wifi , then change the password

- n0t4c|u3 - 04-27-2014 11:42 PM

Log into your router and click on wifi. you can change the password there.

- Russell - 04-27-2014 11:51 PM

You can try also installing a software firewall like Comodo.

- yippyyippyyayawho - 04-27-2014 11:57 PM

change your password , is it really a problem if he is anyway

- Daniel - 04-28-2014 12:01 AM

If you get the wifi from a cable provider, they have a link that will enable you to change your wifi password. You can give them a call to inquire about how to. But if u wanna go the extreme level, u can ask them about how u can make your wifi hidden, that means your wifi wont show up on your neighbors wifi list unless he figures out both the wifi name(which u can change by also contacting ur wifi provider), the password, and the password authentication type.
Or just walk straight up to your neighbor and have a firm talk with him

- Arthur - 04-28-2014 12:07 AM

There is a way on access-point(wifi) to block users via mac address which is hardware specific to all hardware devices in the world . Whenever the access-point(wifi) connects to a new machine it gives it an ip address . Then updates an internal table with IP address and mac address. By blocking his mac adress you can block him out permanently from connecting to your router.

If you have the user name and password it would be possible to log into your router using your browser. Check the tables from the access-point and use his mac address to block him from logging onto your network.

- Boss - 04-28-2014 12:12 AM

You need to log in your router and put a key in your wireless so people can't connect to your internet.

- Karthik - 04-28-2014 12:18 AM

Type "ip address" in google search then copy and paste the IP address it gives u into the address bar in ur browser(chrome I'm guessing) and when it asks u for username and password type admin as username and password as password (default in most routers)
Scroll to wireless settings or whatever and look for wpa or wpa key /password and type a new one and restart ur router
Will work always