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what should i do with my ebay situation? - Printable Version

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what should i do with my ebay situation? - Chica/ - 04-27-2014 11:27 PM

it doesn't seem to want to work for me! the one thing i just did was change my username, idk if i messed something up doing this? i heard that there is a mith that ebay shuts you down if you try to change your username on them. why would they need to do that? is that try? is that what is going on here? i have no idea! any help would be appreciated! thanks!!!

- Matt - 04-27-2014 11:28 PM

What do you mean it doesn't work?

Its probably because you are a moron. If you can't figure out how to ask a question I doubt you can figure out how to use ebay.

- Roddy - 04-27-2014 11:37 PM

eBay does not delete your account for changing your user name. My wife has changed hers a dozen times over the last several years.

- L S - 04-27-2014 11:44 PM

I believe eBay may have been suffering some site issues recently. Try again in an hour and see if things are back to normal.