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How do I remove this adware on my computer? - Printable Version

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How do I remove this adware on my computer? - Thunderoushill917 - 04-27-2014 11:31 PM

So I started getting these random ads on my web browser on my computer out of the blue. I never installed anything from unknown websites before but Im getting these ads by "Linksicle". I tried everything I know to remove it but Im still getting these ads.
I have tried - Installing Adblock on Google Chrome, reinstalling Google Chrome, checking installed programs, ran an Anti Virus on my whole hard drive.
Im using Google Chrome and have already checked my extensions/addons

- FUBAR - 04-27-2014 11:36 PM

it's probably an ad in

what web browser are you using?

go into your adins and try and remove it from there

- john - 04-27-2014 11:40 PM

Malwarebytes Antimalware, CCleaner, SuperAntiSpyware, Windows Defender Offline

- Josh - 04-27-2014 11:49 PM

Ok, keep your Adblock. Linksicle is most likely an extension to your chrome browser. Removing it is simple.

on Chrome follow these steps
-Click the options menu in top right.
-click settings
-Now to the left you'll see Extensions
-click Extensions
-Look for Linksicle
-Lick the little trash icon to uninstall

If the Linksicle Extension was not there then the adware in on your computer. You could try getting an uninstaller. Or you could search your C: drive for the keyword ' Linksicle ' then when you find the folder with all the programs stuff in it, you delete it. If these steps don't help email me at and i'll help you more in depth.

- DrbDanish - 04-27-2014 11:53 PM

I think you should also try scanning your hard drive with MalwareBytes, it's a very useful tool. And also works with Adwares give it a try. Download the free trial version here: you don't have to buy it unless you really liked it.

Do the quick scan first and after that a full scan. This actually worked for me once, but it's good to do it ASAP before getting huge amount of adware attacks.

- Mike S - 04-27-2014 11:57 PM

Download and scan with Malwarebytes anti-malware....sounds like Adware/Malware infections in the registry keys...

Download it below and also I have a tuturial on how to run and set it up.....Malwarebytes is FREE.

My video on YouTube on how to operate it.