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I could do with some SEO advice ? - Printable Version

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I could do with some SEO advice ? - MATT N - 04-27-2014 11:31 PM

I have done all I (think) I can do regarding my websites SEO
Can those who know, pass on any nuggets of advice as to how I can build up the traffic to my site ? I am making no headway !
It's a very small site and would appreciate it if someone could have a look at the source code and advise further.
We all have to start somewhere, so thanks to those who offer genuine help.

- Your Shadow - 04-27-2014 11:37 PM

Meta Tag Generators:

This section allows you to specify information that will help certain search engines categorize and display your page in their result sets:
Free Online Meta Tags Generator Tool:
So, You Want A Meta Command, Huh?:
Online Meta Tag Generator:

Meta Tag Analyzer:
Free Meta Tag Analyzer / HTML Meta Tags Checker:
Test Your Website - Meta Tag Check:

SEO Tools:

Web Page Analyzer - 0.98 - from Website Optimization:
Free SEO Services. Search Engine Optimization Tools:
Top 15 SEO Blogs To Follow If You Want To Brush Up Your SEO Knowledge:
6 Ways to Get Your Website Noticed by Mainstream Media:
Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide:

Google Webmaster Tools:
Search engine submission:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO - Getting Started):


- Edintheclouds - 04-27-2014 11:46 PM

There is more to SEO than meta tags, I see the domain was registered late March, if the site has only been live for a month or so it's still early days yet. As you have just 2 pages there is not a lot data for the spiders to crawl over, it would better if there more pages, also the title tags are not ideal they need to be a short phrase about the actual page not the site.

You need to submit the site to google and other search engines and directories, look for a submit site link.
I believe google gives better results if the HTML code validates correctly, I have found two errors e.g.
<h2>Enjoy</h2></p> h2 tags are not permitted inside p tags and there a pair tr tags with no td tags in the table.

- Stephen - 04-27-2014 11:52 PM

I have written a lot of SEO guides on my site and offer a personal free Q&A service as well at