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Stupid questions: New to Facebook, what is a "status update"? - Printable Version

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Stupid questions: New to Facebook, what is a "status update"? - Drunkenbook118 - 04-27-2014 11:32 PM

Where do you do what section?

And is that the same thing as a "wall" or "your feed"?

If I post that I'm having a picnic, will other people see that I have "updated my status"?

Thank you.....don't use Facebook that often and I'm just dumb at it. :/

- William - 04-27-2014 11:34 PM

a status update is letting people know what happend to you / what your feeling. Its the same thing as your wall, but your 'feed' is the status updates you get from other people. And if you post u are having a picnic only your friends will see it.