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My parents wont let me grow up!? - Printable Version

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My parents wont let me grow up!? - hugebedroom963 - 04-27-2014 11:37 PM

i'm 13 years old and my parents don't understand me! they always say i should be more responsible as i am almost becoming a young adult and stuff like that but they wont let me do anything!

i'm not allowed to go anywhere if they aren't there with me! i can't hang out with friends at the mall or wear makeup or anything like that and it really bugs me that they say i'm too young to do these things that i see 7 year olds doing!

i'm not trying to impress anyone i just feel as i am growing older my interest change and i don't understand why they are restricting me from everything. i know at my age makeup can be a little harsh but i know i wont be using a lot of it (especially with school). i'm also not allowed facebook and most of my friends from my old school have it and ive moved abroad and cant K.I.T with some of them because they don't have skype e.c.t Sad

once again, i understand the reasons for some of my restrictions but i don't understand why i cant be trusted to use them responsibly. i need to find a way to tell them how i feel without seeming desperate. please help! (please no rude comments i'm only 13 and i'm not looking for any trouble!)

- Chardonnay - 04-27-2014 11:39 PM

Well first off, they are only looking out for YOU. Second, are you listening when they tell you to be more responible? Get your grades up and take care of any other responsibilities that you have, so that way if you raise the issue with them they won't have anything on you.

- Precious Gem - 04-27-2014 11:45 PM

Hello. I am a mom and I can understand why your parents are being the way that they are. I wouldn't let my daughter wear make-up until she was 16. I wouldn't allow her to hang-out at any mall because she was 13 and too young. Facebook the youngest age is 13 but I am guessing that your parents are trying to protect you from sexual predators on the Internet who troll for young people. My daughter got on UTube but I told her I would be looking over her shoulder every so often because of all of the stories I had read about sickos using the Internet to find victims. You feel that you are old enough to be trusted. You may be but emotionally you probably are not ready to take on more responsibilities. Trust that your parents are looking out for your best interest and wait until you mature some more.