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My ex treated me like shit but I feel guilty? - Printable Version

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My ex treated me like shit but I feel guilty? - Misunderstoodunderwear172 - 04-27-2014 11:41 PM

So, I've had a girlfriend. We lived in different continents and we started a relationship. We could only see eachother on Facetime. So, we've been in a relationship for two weeks (it didn't work out). The night before I told her that we need to break up I cried and literally felt pain in my heart because she was a nice girl, but I just didn't love her anymore. So, I told her that we need to brake up and at first she was telling me how hurt she is, and then she started posting our break up texts on Instagram, so her friends who I didn't even know started telling me that I'm a bastard, that I'm a cunt and stuff like that. I thought that was too much but then she started writing a love story about how she fell in love and I broke her heart, and eventually she started dissing me. Then she added me in a group conversation (it was on iMessage so I coudn't have left it) and many of her friends insulted me. She started telling me I'm an idiot, that I'm stupid, that I shouldn't have been born etc. She was doing that for two weeks and I just couldn't take it anymore. I turned off iMessage, blocked her on facebook and never talked to her again. And even though she did all that I feel guilty. I even miss her sometimes, even though she treated me like shit. What do you think, should I miss her or not?

- AbstractHDx - 04-27-2014 11:49 PM

Build a bridge and get over it. You should just move on.

- merr - 04-27-2014 11:54 PM

missing someone is not in your power. You just miss someone even if you don't wanna miss him/her. But you're situation is something different. You are from different continents and you've only been in a relationship for 2 weeks? SERIOUSLY?? BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT! It's stupid don't even think about it c'mon. Girls/guys enough, it's childish and stupid what she did. Just ignore her and move on.

- merr - 04-27-2014 11:55 PM

Move on, it's the right decision. Girls don't like to get dumped/rejected, you will get you moment too. So move on and learn from this.