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how go ask questions? - Printable Version

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how go ask questions? - victorioustexture786 - 04-27-2014 11:47 PM

Long story short been seeing this guy for 6 months. We have our tempers. We got Into an argument, we have them here and there Cus he always burst with anger when I talk about anything. So I couldn't help
Anymore so
I stood up and for
Me and went toe to
Toe with him, on an argument we were having, so we broke up, last night, before I hung up
I said are u serious ? He said YUP!!! I said ok ✌️
and he wanted to blame it all on me, so on day two
He hasn't change his fb status removed my pics. Is he waiting for me
Do it ? So that I can look like
The bad guy? Or he is giving us space to breath and work it out. Cus right after we broke
Up he went on his fb, twice before bed. Nothing a remains the same, is he Playing games ?? ( he's a saggitarius ) btw FML

,he checks fb goes in and out but hasn't made a change mind you. He HASNT Text me at all.... Help. I
Letting him
Be the ballsy to
Take the ball and run with it. I won't text him. I showed enough weakness last night. HELP!

- Little Me - 04-27-2014 11:49 PM

Sounds to me like he didn't want to break up. If you want to keep him I'd say you should text or call him, and if you don't then start deleting those pictures and the Facebook status. Having you removing him doesn't make you the bad guy, it's just humiliating to be the one who's watching the other one deleting everything. You don't show weakness by contacting someone you care about, you just show that you care and that they mean something to you.

Good luck Big Grin