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How can I get work with when it thinks my salary needs are "unrealistic"? - Printable Version

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How can I get work with when it thinks my salary needs are "unrealistic"? - J.A. F - 04-28-2014 12:00 AM

Does anyone work with the online remote staffing company, I am having a serious problem trying to apply to them and it is really upsetting me. I am seeking work as a Virtual Assistant. No matter what Desired Monthly Pay I enter, the screen asks me to "enter a salary that is realistic for your skills and experience. If the salary is too high you will not get a job." The minimum rate for the 10-hour trial is $10 and every salary I have entered is for an amount of $6 to $9 an hour. If I enter anything higher for a salary it will not be accepted. What can I do here? Have I any kind of chance at all? I really need help here. Please, helpful answers only; no judgements!

- Fred - 04-28-2014 12:05 AM

You need to get a realistic opinion of your own worth. Obviously not as high as you think. In any case most such jobs require years of experience in a normal working environment.

- Justin - 04-28-2014 12:11 AM

Hi J.A.

I work at The site is asking you to ensure that your salary that is realistic, but it is not telling you that there is necessarily a problem with your salary. When the message is displayed about having a realistic salary, there is also a link to click that says "It's ok, my salary is realistic". So just click that link and you should be fine Smile