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Wrestling Section: Matthew Joseph Korklan{EVAN BOURNE} poll? - Richard - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM

1.which in ring name do you like best of his-
Sui-Sydal{When he was a backyard wrestler as a kid}
Lance Sydal{St. Peters wrestling federation as a teen.}
MATT{GCW-wrestling school and monthly show on PPV, got his license at age 17 on year under the legal age, that's how good he was in the ring just as a teenager. 2000-2004}
Matt Sydal{ 2004-2007}
Evan Bourne{ 2008-present}

2. He has exactly 142 moves in his entire arsenal{I have a list} and WWE cut him down to 88 moves what is your opinion on this?

3-Which part of his in ring ability do you like the best, I like the first 2 the best personally.-
1. his educated feet
2. his technical ability
3. his dazzling cruiserweight moves
4. his highflying manuavers
5. his in ring pyschology{he's been a wrestler for 11 years}

5. He mixes american pro wrestling, lucha libre{latino wrestling} japanese wrestling, gymnastics, martial arts and highschool wrestling into his in ring work and has been in the biz for 11 years now,
does that impress you or not, and if not why not?

6. which feud that was in in WWE was/is the best-
John Morrison
The Miz
Chris Jericho
Tyson Kidd
Zack Ryder

7. which person was/is his best tag team partner-
Kofi Kingston
Yoshi Tatsu
Rey Msyterio
John Cena

8. in WWE he has only won 2 slammy awards and was nominated last year which one is the best in your opinion.
1. Best Finisher{Air Bourne/ssp}-2008
2. Best in ring Attire{2009}
3.nominee for HOLY . . . . moment{ Air Bourne into RKO}

9. based off his tenure in the whole entire wrestling business I feel he should be garuanteed a spot
in the main event and he showed in his feud with Chris Jericho that he is able to hold an upper-midcard, main event spot, his only downfall is mic skills, he excels in every category{ tone of voice,
facial expressions, saying his lines correctly} but akin to Rey Mysterio he's just not convincing, do
you think he should be in the main event because he is a young veteran & a fan favorite or held back because he isn't like "The Rock" on the microphone?

10. He has so many people behind him who want him to be pushed based off this should he or do you agree with Vince's opinion.

John Cena-twitter, interviews
CM Punk-interviews
Chris Jericho-interviews
Ted Dibiase jr & Cody Rhodes-interview
The Miz-interview
Bret Hart-interview
Randy Orton(they both grew up in St.Louis Missouri, I read in WWE Mag the orton family scouted
Evan/Matt when he was learning to wrestle}
It's been highly rumored since last year that Triple H & Stephanie have said he could be the next Jeff Hardy without the drug problems but Vince only sees him as just a midcard talent and that he
is to small.

11. do you consider him too small? he's 5ft9 .

12. He is EXTREMELY humble, he said in a podcast with Colt Cabana and I quote
" I don't get cocky about wins or losses, my main goal every show is to go out and have the best match of the night, I'm in WWE for the long run". Do you commend/respect this humble side of him
or not?

13. WWE often mistakes humbleness for laziness is that fair in your opinion?

14. He has a degree in business and marketing should WWE bank on this?

15. sorry this poll was so long, don't forget to star please Big Grin

- deepdaughter152 - 10-15-2012 09:13 PM

1. Matt Sydal his career as Matt Sydal was the most sucsessfull
2. It kind of sucks because it doesnt really show anybody all of his skills
3. 1 and 5
4. It impresses me for sure
5. Chris Jericho
6. Rey Mysterio
7. 3 lol
8. He should be in the upper mid card but not quite main event yet
9. He needs a push
10. Nah, small is hornswoggle he is an average size guy
11. Respect
12. Not really but I dont know
13. Nah, there isnt really a point for it.
14. Ok

- Tiffany B. - 10-15-2012 09:13 PM

1.I like Evan Bourne personally because it gives him a catchphrase, a name for his finisher, and it is kinda clever.

2. Well it's better than having the same 5 moves like Cena and Orton lol. But seriously sometimes I wonder if the WWE wants to make certain superstars less than what they are. Just to make others seem greater.

3. Well out of those five I would pick 1,4,and 5.

4.You skipped 4

5.Yes it does impress me Evan is an amazing superstar and he deserves a push. I think that he may not have good mic skills according to the WWE so maybe that's why he isn't receiving a push until he works on it. But he could be the silent assassin, right?

6.Um... i'm not sure i liked all his feuds

7.I'm going to pick Rey Mysterio he has the most experience and he is also a highflyer

8.I liked the Holy ...... moment (wish he would have won) and the Best finisher one

9.In the WWE only the people with mic skills succeed. I find that ridiculous but thats just my opinion. People say that when WWE becomes TV 14 they will be better again. But thats not true. When they learn to use their superstars correctly then their ratings will go up and the WWE will be better.

10. He should get a push. Vince doesn't know what he is talking about and he can barely run his own company.

11. He is as tall as me lol

12. I respect him but he needs to be a little more assertive and demand that he become a main eventer other wise his career is gonna suck.

13. Yes it's unfair. Once again I say Vince Mcmahon doesn't know how to run a company.

14. Evan wants to wrestle. I think that if wrestling doesn't work out for him he may want to work with the company who knows.

15. It took me forever to finish D: lol luckily I like to give stars.


- narrowfather566 - 10-15-2012 09:13 PM

1. Evan Bourne. It has a nice ring to it, and it definitely suits him because he's a highflyer and he's known as Evan "Air" Bourne which makes sense.
2. Wow. It's a shame, WWE should really let him use more moves.
3. 2 & 4.
You skipped 4.
5. Yeah, that definitely impresses me. Not a lot of wrestlers have THAT much background like Evan Bourne does.
6. Sheamus
7. Kofi Kingston. Both are great highflyers. I hope they reform again and get the Tag Team Championship titles.
8. Best Finisher.
9. He should be in the main event. Although his mic skills aren't perfect, they have gotten better over the years. Evan Bourne is much better than some of the wrestlers in the current main event, and I know if he was given the right push he would be a great fan favorite.
10. Evan Bourne should get a push. They are wasting incredible talent.
11. Not at all!
12. I definitely respect him for that. Unlike others, he doesn't care about winning or losing he just wants to entertain us.
13. No, that's not fair at all.
14. Definitely. Maybe in the future when Bourne retires he can help out the business.
15. That's okay. I'm a big fan of Bourne and he never gets mentioned much in the WS. I'll be sure to star.