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Need opinions or advice on what to do with my ex, please? - Printable Version

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Need opinions or advice on what to do with my ex, please? - fh - 04-28-2014 12:12 AM

me and my ex broke up a few months ago. 
i was subconciously hurting her for the last few months out jealousy and fear. 
at first she wanted nothing to do with me 
and said that we'd never be together again and that all her feelings for me were gone. 
we've spoken everyday since our break up. 
for the passed few weeks though shes been leaning more towards us being together again. 
she even told me that she loves me, and not just like a friend. 
shes told me many things, like that i was the only guy she could ever see herself with and that were perfect together and that i treat her so well etc.. 
shes going through a bit of depression now (not related to us) and so ive been there for her everyday that she needed someone after our break up. 
so i saw that she was flirting with guys and stuff on social media, despite everything shes told me, and so i brought it up. 
she said that shed stop and gave me her word. 
then a few weeks later she was doing it again, and so i brought it up, and she said that shes not going to stop and that im controlling her... 
i dont see it as me controlling her, why would she even say those things to them in the first place if she loves me? 
but she says that i cant control her and she can talk to whoever she wants, however she wants. 
but then sometimes she'll be all apologetic and say stuff like that she doesnt treat me well and that i do everything for her etc. 
like shes very bipolar or something. 
i love her to death, and i want her back more then anything, but i want to not rush into it bc i want it to be real. 
some days it seems like im everything to her, and others it seems like she doesnt give a crap about me. 
so i just want the best for her, and i want her to be happy, so yesterday i decided that shed probably be better off without me. so when i told her about it, she kinda just brushed me off and it seemed like she didnt really even care. 
but i dont think thats true. 
anybody have any opinions? 
or any advice?

- naughtydogg70 - 04-28-2014 12:18 AM

You're right, she's better off without you. Leave her alone and stop talking to her.

- Samuel - 04-28-2014 12:27 AM

grow up

- Lauren - 04-28-2014 12:36 AM

Maybe she is acting this way because of the depressive state she's in, and it may have started when you both had broken apart. Though I'm no medical expert, I've learnt from experience that any sort of stress in a person's life can manipulate their way of thinking, like become sad, angry, paranoid.

So your ex girlfriend may, because she was in a bad place at the start, possibly influenced by other people's behaviour started seeing your behaviour as oppressive, manipulating and controlling when in fact you weren't. Yes, jealousy and fear is a natural part of being relationship, and the best way of dealing with it is talking it through, like you had done with her after you broken up, because it's a form of assurance and gaining understanding of your partner's personality, mannerisms, and it'll help overcome it, learn to trust your partner. So, it could be because your ex is depressed and so sure that your behaviour was out of possession instead of love, she's choosing to lash out, and flirt, getting back at you unnecessarily. It's not uncommon to feel guilt while suffering from depression either, so she may be feeling guilty.

Your best bet is to distance yourself (as you've done), and let her resolve whatever the situation is, and see how she acts around you then once it's resolved. If she's still acting the same, it'll be confirmation for you that she never cared for you in the first place and to distance yourself completely and slowly move on.