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I am an AdFree Yahoo subscriber Just recently the space for the ADS to the right of my emails began to appear.? - Printable Version

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I am an AdFree Yahoo subscriber Just recently the space for the ADS to the right of my emails began to appear.? - Mike F - 04-28-2014 12:13 AM

There are NO ads, just a blank space. My wife also has the Ad-Free account and hers does not have this space. I show I am currently fully paid up.

- ? - 04-28-2014 12:21 AM

You need to contact Yahoo Customer Care:
Click Ad Free Mail under Topic. Click Mail Plus billing or balance issue and then under Recommended Options click the envelope (mail) icon. Fill out the email form and send it.
Your picture in the question looks like you don't have an Ad Free account, but are using an ad blocker (e.g. Adblock or Adblock Plus) in Firefox or Google Chrome. Try Yahoo Mail ( in Internet Explorer. My guess is that the ad will show.
Good luck.