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GIRLS: What does it mean when a girl winks at you? - Printable Version

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GIRLS: What does it mean when a girl winks at you? - faithfulpassenger252 - 04-28-2014 12:20 AM

There's a girl who I just intuitively feel there is some level of interest based on catching her looking at me all the time, finding excuses to message me on FB, getting nervous around me... the other day we were both at this event and my friend caught her looking at me a bunch. When I turned to look, I caught her looking at me and she winked at me and smiled, and gestured for me to come over a dance with her (it was a group line dance thing). This girl is NOT a flirt and the type to be a tease.

- Spot - 04-28-2014 12:25 AM

I would say it means she is a spy for the Axis of Power. Talk to her fer chrissake! There's not much time left!

- acacia - 04-28-2014 12:34 AM

She likes You a lot. Plain as that(:

- Katrina - 04-28-2014 12:36 AM

She seems interested. Like, I wink at my guy friends all the time as a joke but if it's a guy I'm not that familiar with and I wink at him, it means I'm interested. So it really depends on the context.