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Feeling upset about a rate in Instagram? - Printable Version

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Feeling upset about a rate in Instagram? - curvedpest547 - 04-28-2014 12:21 AM

So some guy posted a picture on Instagram saying like for a rate. We aren't rlly friends, like, AT ALL but he was doing these rates with one of my best guy friends, so I figured why not? After like an hour, they posted my rate. My best friend rated me a BMS, but isn't tht what all friends rate each other?
The other guy rated me a 7. I was kind of like wow, am I like ugly or something? I mean, I've gotten rates before and it's never been anything below a solid 8, mostly around the 9/8.5. But now that I'm seeing this, it's making me second guess myself you know? I honestly try not to like the "rates" on social networks because I feel like they are so ridiculously biased based on your relationship with said person. At the same time, it reels you in with the stupid question of what do I look like in someone else's eyes? And then the worst part is that you will always be disappointed with it unless it's like a 9 and up. Then you end up feeling like crap. Since I know this, I wasn't expecting anything super high, but a 7? Come on...that's a little low.

I guess I'm just looking for some reassuring answers to make me feel less crappy about my looks, despite the fact tht this is only one rate out of like millions, and that I am completely aware if how stupid it is.

- Amber - 04-28-2014 12:30 AM

You should be 11/10. Wink

- Djzarry - 04-28-2014 12:36 AM

Why are you letting such little thing bother you? If you think you're beautiful then who cares what anyone else has to say? A number doesn't define beauty. The only person that can truly define that is YOU!
Everyone is beautiful in their own way.
Cheer up and don't be upset about something that's so silly. Go enjoy life and don't let this bring you down because life is too short to focus on such things. If you're happy with the way you look, you're happy and that's all that matters.

- Trash Boat - 04-28-2014 12:43 AM

Some people have different tastes. I think rates are stupid though because people judge on how pretty or good looking you are, and if you get a low score, say 4 or 5, you end up feeling really crappy about yourself and the people who did rate you that don't give a fuck. I have to say a 7 is not that bad. They are just numbers. Don't let the number bring you down. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.