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would you text a girl three times in a row ? - Printable Version

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would you text a girl three times in a row ? - ExcessiveContender948 - 04-28-2014 12:23 AM

I have been talking to this girl on FB for about a month and a half. Sometimes i text her first and every other day she does. For the past three days, i messaged her twice first. The first time i sent her the message she was offline so she didn't reply. Therefore, i sent it again when she was online. It has been three days and she didn't text me.I have asked her if she likes me before and she said yes, so is she losing interest in me ? i wanted to message her today, but i didn't want to look clingy or annoying because i am not. Do you guys think i should wait till she messages me ? or should i just go ahead and message her again ? any suggestions will be greatly appreciated . Thank you !

- Natasha - 04-28-2014 12:24 AM

Ask her where she's at and where you stand with her. Thats the best way to find out. A good old fashioned talk. Communication is key to any relationship x

- amr - 04-28-2014 12:32 AM

Dont send another message. If she messages you back just say hey I'm busy hit me up later (phone number) or chat a minute if she answers and your online and say Hey you want to go to movies Friday or whatever date like thing you can go do. Give her your number. Ask her out again. Move your interaction off facebook

- Firefist - 04-28-2014 12:40 AM

Hmm don't message her. Just go talk to her in the PHYSICAL world. Enough texting to get to know each other and break the ice. You two should meet up somewhere and continue from there.

- Jade21 - 04-28-2014 12:42 AM

Don't text her anymore. Wait until she response to you. Hang out with your friends and family. Focus on your school work.

- Mark - 04-28-2014 12:48 AM

This is why it's important to not get in the text message game. You should be calling her or interacting with her in person because a text is so indirect and a easy way to blow someone off. Dude it's too obscure right now to really say whats going on, but I do know that if a woman really likes you then you will know it without a doubt and will not have to wonder or put up with inconsistent behavior. Right now you need stop texting her and not worry if she's going to respond back or not. Never treat women like idols because you will indirectly worship her. If she likes you then she will respond back, but when she does then this time you need to set up a date or something more serious and see how she responds.