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What does this mean? - Printable Version

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What does this mean? - whisperingbait543 - 04-28-2014 12:25 AM

I was on meet earlier and I was looking at my profile and all of a sudden I heard laughter coming from my laptop, at first I just though it was one of those side page advertisements, but then it keep going so I looked to go cut the sound off to the advertisements, didn't find it, so I thought I had clicked on someone's profile (it could have been a song or something a person had on their page) it wasn't that either. It sounded like little kids laughing with music in the background. a friend of mine said it could my fan in my computer or my hardrive about to go bad. I looked to see if someone had hacked my web cam and it wasn't on so that theory was out. trust me I am not going crazy lol. What could it have been?

- mayank - 04-28-2014 12:27 AM

i am sure it was an advertisement , what you are saying happened with me as well only ad was of something when something like it happens i just quit my browser (in my case google chrome) and then it stops....some ads are hard to find.....i think it will help

- layla - 04-28-2014 12:28 AM

People can hack your webcams without the light going on. Just FYI