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How do I tell my parents I don't believe in the same faith as them? - Printable Version

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How do I tell my parents I don't believe in the same faith as them? - Quietlock279 - 04-28-2014 12:36 AM

I was born and raised Christian Lutheran and I just don't believe it as much as I have tried. I want to explore other faiths especially Reform Judaism. How do I tell then and how do I get them to help me explore?

- Jay - 04-28-2014 12:38 AM

They likely aren't going to help you explore other religions. If their faith is important to them, they aren't going to push you in other directions. What is it that you don't like about your own religion? Maybe it's the "religion" part? I found for myself that it was hard to relate to God in the box of "religion". Did you know that Jesus was actually tremendously against religion? Read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) if you're curious. He was always having run-ins with the Pharisees who were the stuffy religious types of the day. I would encourage you to read the Message Bible. It's a translation that is a little easier to understand than traditional versions because it's in everyday vernacular. Sometimes all the "thous" and "shalts" kind of get in the way and confuse people, taking away from the meaning. Make no mistake - the message is the same, but it's easier to understand. Do what you need to do, but before you walk away from your religion, try discovering it on your own (not just what your parents or church tells you).

- Pearl L - 04-28-2014 12:40 AM

i wouldnt bother telling them

- Jess - 04-28-2014 12:48 AM

First off, I want to tell you that you're not alone. I am in the process of converting to Judaism (I'm conservative though). I was raised as a Protestant Christian. My mom had already passed away when I decided it was time for me to convert, but I did tell my dad, before I ever stepped foot in a shul (synagogue). I am not saying that you should tell them right away, in fact, my advice to you, know your stuff before anything. Know WHY you want to convert. Be able to go to your parents with your facts, so that if they ask questions you can answer them. Just make sure you let them know that you will only believe what you know is true and tell them unless you can prove, for yourself, that Christianity is false that you won't leave, but you need to discover yourself first.

If you need someone to talk to feel free to email me.

Here are a few sites that are good for getting facts:

And a facebook group that I myself am a member of and they are a great community of people...

Jay...please, he is not asking for a Bible Study or intervention he is asking for advice on how to do what he is going to do no matter what you say. If he is LEAVING Christianity, after being raised a Christian his whole life, what makes you think that you, some stranger on the internet, can all of a sudden change his mind? It actually angers me at times when people try to "fix me" when they find out that I am converting.