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Is my boyfriend right? - Printable Version

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Is my boyfriend right? - hollowLeader783 - 04-28-2014 12:37 AM

I'm 40 years old my boyfriend is 30 years old he was raised Christian we been together for 2 years,and he says he supposed to obey his parents, I have no problem with that, but one time we were having a very prersonal conveïrsation on Facebook, he left his facebook on and his mom reading our messages. And when I told him, his mom had approached me and asked me if everything was ok between him and I, because he had left his facebook on and she read the messages. when I told him I feel like she violated my privacy. He said she had every right to do so, because he lives under her roof and he supposed to listen to everything she says.

- sheloves_dablues - 04-28-2014 12:40 AM


Your 30 year old boyfriend still lives with mommy and daddy?

- LEYKIS 101 - 04-28-2014 12:48 AM


YES he is right and you are wrong for dating a 30 years old little boy who still lives with his mother!! That says a lot about you!!! If you do not like it, let the loser move in with you!!! GEEZZ, you really know how to pick em!!

- Pick This - 04-28-2014 12:52 AM

The Bible says, "Honor thy father and thy mother."

It does not say you have to do everything they say.

- Bruno - 04-28-2014 12:55 AM

It's fine that he lives there as long as he is making the effort to get out of his parents home, but he is an adult and both you and him NEED your space.

you are 40 years old, is this how you want to live your life?

this guy sounds extremely immature

- Jason - 04-28-2014 01:03 AM

Sounds like you have a moma's boy. At 30 years old and still living at home you need to cut your losses and move on. There's no reason his mother should be in your business at your ages. Good luck with that.

- Another Crone - 04-28-2014 01:11 AM

You not only chose to hook up with a guy a decade younger but to also choose one who is crippled by remaining a child?

No excuse for a 30 year old MAN to continue to be his parent's little boy. Nothing in the Christian religion (maybe some cult) suggests or requires such a thing.

I believe you are a rather unique person. I've never met a 40 year old who would put up with ANY of this!

- Esparanza - 04-28-2014 01:13 AM

O.K, let me get this right, you're 40 years old and dating a 30 year old mommy's boy who you send personal messages to over Facebook. Something about your relationship sounds very odd or you're not telling the truth

Stop dating a boy and get yourself a man or stop complaining about him. Also, stop sending personal messages over Facebook. You're 40 not 14!

- Patricia - 04-28-2014 01:18 AM

He's pretty immature. This relationship sounds disastrous, sorry Sad

- j p - 04-28-2014 01:26 AM

Honoring your parents is fine, nothing wrong with it, but if he doesn't know at the age of 30 to stand on his own two feet and stop letting his parents control him then there's your problem.