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Help With Instagram? - Printable Version

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Help With Instagram? - hollowWatcher973 - 04-28-2014 12:38 AM

Ok so I've had this crush on a girl for 3 years now and I just recently found her instagram last week. That's the good news but the bad news is that her instagram is private and she won't accept my follow request. She was in my fourth grade class and the last time i saw her was in 2006 and I haven't seen her since. I've made atleast 7-8 instagram accounts and whenever I would try to follow her on those accounts she would deny them. I made a account and put alot of hard work into it so it would seem legit. I got 50 followers and followed over 500 people with it and she still denied it. Her followers went up the past week too but she won't let me follow her. What can I do??? It's really getting to me. Someone please help me. Why is she denying my requests???? Here's her instagram account:

- john - 04-28-2014 12:46 AM

That seems kind of creepy, honestly. Forming a fake online account, building up users, just to get on a girls instagram page is too much. It's pretty obvious that she isn't interested, so move on.

- Ricardo - 04-28-2014 12:49 AM

She has many followers
she could be full of requests
and i think she should know its you or whats the point of creating an instagram to follow he if she doesnt its you, just ask her to follow you and be cool with it.

John, if he is creating fake accounts how could she be not interested if she doesnt know its him