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Is This Information On The Internet ? - Printable Version

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Is This Information On The Internet ? - AL1961 - 04-28-2014 12:38 AM

For some reason I've never completely understood, my friend Carl can't navigate the internet, so I look things up for him, print them out and take him the information . Recently, Carl got interested in two houses near where he lives . He's hoping to buy at least one of these houses . He wants me to find the names and phone numbers of the owners of these houses . I thought I might have to go my local county clerk's office in person to find out what Carl wants to know .

Carl says "That information should be on the internet !" . Is the information Carl wants on the internet ? Where on the internet do I look for the information Carl wants ? Do I have to go my local county clerk's office in person ? Thank you in advance for your answers .

- Michael - 04-28-2014 12:45 AM

Local place.

- Fred - 04-28-2014 12:46 AM

Don't! Unless the owner publicly posts their personal information you will be invading privacy. That carries a prison sentence and permanent criminal record. and passing it to a third party is even more serious. Tell your "friend" to do his own dirty work, NOBODY can not search the Internet. And of he has enough money to buy houses I would be VERY suspicious of him getting someone else to search.