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How to quit porn addiction? - Printable Version

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How to quit porn addiction? - Happybook028 - 04-28-2014 12:49 AM

Give me anything, I'll do it, just tell me what to do hard or not.

I'll tell you what I already tried. I've been trying to quit porn addiction for 1 years and couldn't.

I have PC addiction, all i do all day is play pc games and sometimes i get bored and go to porn. outside for me is boring, programs didn't help me, i bypassed them easy, i can't move my pc to my living room because it's a pc and my little brother screams and my little sister and it distrubs and they play always in the living room and there's no other room i can move my pc to.

What should I do? by the way, I'm anti-social, got S.A so kinda don't feel like hanging out with people.
Please tell me what to do, i need help, i want to quit. should i cut the internet connection wire with scissors?
Guys you don't understand that porn addiction and heroion addiction are the same almost, it's hard to break this addction the same as it's hard to break a real drug addiction so be more serious, mind and all of that won't help here, it's all inside my brain. and imagine i have free access 24/7 to all of the porn sites, and program i can't seem to install, it doesn't work on my pc. i tried k9 web protection.

- RyanTurner - 04-28-2014 12:53 AM

Destroy any tech you have

- Merlin - 04-28-2014 01:01 AM

You press the off switch.

Porn is not a substance = you can't be addicted to it.


- Darshana - 04-28-2014 01:05 AM

learn to control ur feelings. that's the best thing to do. concentrate your mind on something useful to ur life. addiction to pc games & porn gives nothing for ur life. participate in a vocational training. start loving a girl Smile or read some books

- Mark - 04-28-2014 01:08 AM

Three people have given you credible answers. If you're that desperate to ask online you should entertain all solutions. My take on it is subconsciously you dont want to quit otherwise you would make the tough choices.

- Mark(Uchith) - 04-28-2014 01:17 AM

First Take the fact..We can not stop easily something once we have started !!! ONCE WE GET TO USED IT IS THE HARDEST IN OUR LIFE WHEN IT COMES TO BE STOPPED!! we can see all the problems has caused by this here you say"I'm anti-social,"..that is the main problem.>!! so first thing is take away that "anti" and make new friends looks how happy you get once you make some new friends!! Talk with them ..Be with them,Play with you will have no TIME to do any thing bad.!!! After Going some days see your changing part in your in your life..So the porn addiction is common and hard to stop once it has been started in your life..Better see the fact ..after you do some social relation ships ..One of the best is making a GF or BF..LOVE IS ONE THING change your life up side down so you will see what I mean after you do these new MORE SOCIAL WORKS....LESS TIME FOR YOUR DIRTY MIND..! TRY IT SOON YOU WILL BE AMAZES and FEEL THE RELIEF..thanks hope this helps

- Brandon Tugger - 04-28-2014 01:21 AM

Porn is an excuse for "real" people in your life, that people resort to when they are depressed.
As difficult as it might be, you must make friends with real people.
Get up off your butt, and join some groups; social, church, or activity related. Surely there must be something you like to do, aside from video games.
Pick an interest that involves other people, and pursue it.