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My crush's best friend asked me out? - Printable Version

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My crush's best friend asked me out? - happyMagician509 - 04-28-2014 12:50 AM

So i like my close guy friend and i told him about it. He said he is confused but lately he is behaving on and off and flirts smtimes. But i feel now he may be likes me.

Anyways so 2 days ago his another best friend added me on fb and then after couple of msgs asked me for my number. I did tell this to my guy friend and he was like 'wait let me talk to him now'. I said i will handle so he just said that let me know if he is annoying or misbehaves, i will handle then. His friend gave me his number to whatsapp. I added him later. He first asked me if i have a bf, then wanted to call me but it was little late so i said no and then he is like 'do you wanna meet?' I did tell him i am just talking to him cause he is bff to my friend but he shouldnt get any wrong idea.

This situation seems bit weird. How come my guy friend doesnt know about his bff's intentions or he made him do this to see my reaction?

- Nada - 04-28-2014 12:51 AM


- Kalyn - 04-28-2014 12:56 AM

I know how you feel. I have a crush on my close guy friend and he kinda knows. But he is like bestfriends with all my other guy friends that have crushes on me. But its okay for this to happen. Tell the guy ur crushing on say hey well i like you and it might be awkward but u just have to say it. And then say ur friend keeps texting me and its kind of awkward because i dont kniw him or like him