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Did this girl like me as a friend? - Printable Version

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Did this girl like me as a friend? - Blue - 04-28-2014 12:52 AM

I'm a 26 year old male I've been talking to this girl who I met on Facebook. We live in the same city and state but I've never thought of meeting up with her. I know it's not a good idea to meet people off the internet. Anyway I'm 26 and she's 30 and we've talked to each other a lot sometimes for hours we laugh and just talk about things in general. She messages me a lot asking me how am I doing she calls me hun. Once I posted a status about liking this girl and commented me saying that the girl must be someone special to get my attention. Then she messaged me asking if she knew this girl and I never replied. She told me that I should tell the girl how I felt. (I'm guessing that maybe she though I was talking about her?) I wasn't though. I made a post about hanging out with a friend on Valentine's Day and she asked me if my girl friend treated me good and that she better had. She told me that I am wanted. Once when I put in my status that I was in a relationship she said that she hopes the girl makes me happy and that she was happy for me. She tells me that she thinks I'm cool all the time. I notice that she deactivated her page I'm not sure why. Her and I did get into an argument because she thought I was talking bad about her on my status but I wasn't. But we worked it out and she said he forgave me. And we had even talked since then. So I'm wondering if she'll ever talk to me again. At first I thought she was annoying but I've been thinking about her a lot lately. I actually kind of miss talking to her I'd like to get to know her and become friends.

- Timothy Stephens - 04-28-2014 01:01 AM

Stop all your onlibe chatting,its such a waste of time.Get out and meet women the normal way,face 2 face.Your behaviour is really immature for a guy aged 26.Drop the FB and get meeting women in real life.