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Am I wrong or is he just wrong for me? - Printable Version

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Am I wrong or is he just wrong for me? - narrowwater018 - 04-28-2014 12:56 AM

My bf and I have had a rocky relationship for the past 3years. He never does anything nice for me. He lives with his parents, never says he love me and there's days when he don't text me.
After 3 years of getting to know his family, I learned he have emotional issues. He cannot tell anyone he love them if he really does. Not only that, he has a very bad temper and if you try and talk to him about issues, he blows up then shuts down.

After finding out he was using Facebook to talk to girls during a mini break up, I sent him a friend request but he refused to add me.

I cried and told him it hurts me knowing he has other women on his FB but not his own girlfriend. After our talk, he sent me a request but I never accepted it because I don't want to force him to do something he doesn't want to do.

I consider myself attractive, I own my own home and I get attention from guys. He is very handsome to me but for some reason he has lots of insecurities. I love him so much it's like I love everything wrong about him.

Because we are not married, I have male friends. Sunday, he got mad because I showed him a message where one of my guy friends asked me to be with him. The next day I didn't hear from him and we end up arguing and he told me during the argument he has a gf.

I hacked his phone and saw exactly 1hour after I showed him the messages from my guy friend, he went online and start talking to a woman and exchanged numbers.

Am I wrong or should I move on?

- :) - 04-28-2014 01:03 AM

I know that it will be hard because when you love someone and have been with them for so long it's easy to see past all their mistakes and what's wrong with them, but it is clear you can do much better than him and you need to move on. Life is way too short to be spending it with someone like that.

- Jay - 04-28-2014 01:07 AM

Listen to me you are not wrong this guy is all wrong for you not because he lives with his parents because he will not treat you like your his gf and people who do that they do it because they don,t like you that much I know cause I had a old gf that would not treat like her bf break off don,t even be friends with him he is a cheater and selfish person and coward and that is what a cheater is and if you stay with him not only are you hurting yourself you hurt your friends and family cause they will tell you that you can do so much better and leave this guy now and never look back and when you do find a good guy you will know it was the right thing to do

- M37N - 04-28-2014 01:09 AM

Your too good for him. A real boyfriend would give his girlfriend more attention than faceb