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this girl gave me her number, and posts on my FB wall a lot? - Printable Version

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this girl gave me her number, and posts on my FB wall a lot? - whisperingsong179 - 04-28-2014 12:57 AM

does that mean she wants me to post on her wall as well?

i occasionally update my status, and about 90% of the time she comments on my status

is this an indicator that she likes me? i'm not gay-like or anything, so its not like a gay best friend kind of thing

she also gave me her number about 8-9 months ago to get back in touch with me after a couple years without contact. should i text her? or should i just stay in contact with her on FB and see where it leads?

im a guy, just to clear things up

- Keith - 04-28-2014 01:06 AM

FB, cause texting her is a new level

- Nelisa - 04-28-2014 01:08 AM

This girl is totally interested in you...and perhaps too shy to tell you directly. Seems like she is stalking you on FB and waiting for your every move to respond to. She wants to know you...The question is DO YOU LIKE HER? DO YOU WANT TO GET TO KNOW HER? If not, then don't respond. If you do, then ask her something on FB...what could happen?

- Giselle - 04-28-2014 01:12 AM

Dude if u like her hit her up but if u don't then just stay in fb

- tox1cchicken - 04-28-2014 01:15 AM

do you like her? sounds like she tries to keep up on whats going on with you. txt, call, FB, or set a date. sounds like you might have a shot.

- DomNix - 04-28-2014 01:22 AM

Yup.. Keith is correct.

Bring it to the next level... try texting her on her mobile or EVEN BETTER, try calling her and have a proper conversation. I think she's interested to know more about you.

- Allenaj - 04-28-2014 01:24 AM

try to talk to her over Facebook, and see if she likes you, and if she does n you do too then call her Smile