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I hate my life Please Help? - melodicboy445 - 04-28-2014 12:58 AM

I cant stand life,no one talks to me (not even my brothers, sister and dad) they don't seem to care about me they always get mad for no reason and dont even ask how is my day and school they dont say hi or anything and im the youngest one, they dont care about me being bullied, they dont let me watch tv or play with them they dont help me with homework every time i be by myself in the living room, dinning room etc. but my brothers get mad for no reason i didnt do anything just because I had a fight with my 19 year old brother doesnt mean a 25 year old should get mad when i say hi he doesnt say hi back and they both go to anywhere fun without me they just leave me in the house by myself and didnt call me and say are u ok. I always text my friends but sometimes they dont text back some dont seem like they r my real friends even at school none of them talks to me but only one does i dont get why just because i'm too short because i'm 4'2 in the 8th grade and they are alot of jerks boys picking on me and dont pick on anyone else no one stands up for me i do it sometimes but there is no reason they should pick on me i always do anything sweet for them like they keep asking for snacks and i share it to others so r they using me or what. People likes to unfollow me on instagram i dont see why am i ugly or what i dont take bad pictures of me or anything so i wanna be at a group home or something or should I take over my life please help by the way i'm 14.

- Junyoung99 - 04-28-2014 01:04 AM

Hey it's ok. Everyone has those times when they feel depressed. I'm 15 and I get teased a lot too. But when I feel depressed and think of suicide, I always think of my family and friends and what would happen if I actually commit suicide. There's more than 7 billion people in the world. If only like a few, let's say 1000, people think you are ugly and weird, there's still like about 7 billion people who don't think you're like that. If you need help, talk to your parents about it. I know that there's some conflict between you and your friends and family, but it's ok. Your life is precious. Don't waste it because some people ignore you, pick on you, and think your weird. Smile

- ty - 04-28-2014 01:11 AM

Your story is similar to mine and I'm also 14 and just know it seems to be one of the toughest times for our generation but what I've learnt is tune them out literally. I stopped caring about everything about 1/2 a year ago and everything is so much better may sound like bad advice but I've tested this for my self and it seems like the best way to solve the problems because the best way to get someone's attention is to not give them any of yours it may work on your brothers and father. I just in my room or at school blaring my music through my head phones and people don't really talk to me because I'm in my own little world and I've just realised that all these people won't matter when you leave school and on the bright side you can't hear anything anyone is telling you Smile chin up okay!! it's okay in the end, if its not okay it's not the end.

- Bora - 04-28-2014 01:14 AM

Those are common lesser problems for your age, many people have them.
If you want some tips that may help here you go:
Delete all social networks, Don't get mad and be cool, try the hardest you can at school, try checking and maybe fixing your attitude towards people, stop being socially awkward if you are and work on your body language if those are issues, you can google all these stuff if you don't understand.
You can also try and find a friend that is like you, lonely...
Also you can try to do some sports or martial arts for fun, and it may help so you can find more people with same interests and people would probably bully you less.
Always be nice to family even if they are not to you and be cool about everything, you'll figure it out.
Otherwise just find something you like doing or keep doing what you like.
Your life is not that bad, you can even say it's good, comparing to lives of some other kids!
Stay strong Smile

- john - 04-28-2014 01:19 AM

I have a couple options Smile

1) this one might be a bit out of your comfort zone BUT it will fix things Smile So, pick a teacher you have that you like or that you talk to a lot, etc. One day go up to he/she and tell her that your being picked on, your family doesn't like you, and everything you said. Then say 'I really need you or someone to get me help or tell my parents that I'm being really hurt. I can bet my hat that your issues will be gone.

2) Tell your parents you need to see a therapist for all the bullying your family and friends are doing.

I hope this helps, and I truly hope you get better Smile

- Lars - 04-28-2014 01:24 AM

I was actually really depressed back in 8th grade, i my grandma died 8. Januay. Of that year and my parents got divorced around mars. People didnt think i cared much but i cried almost every night about my grandma. And my grades was so bad, i searched help through gaming actually! That really helped me, i have friends around the world really nice people :-) my mom hates that i sit on my computer.
I have also gotten much more happy when im with my dog, dogs are loving and will become ypur best friend :-) if you dont have a pet try talking to your parents about it :-D get them to sit down and tell them that you have no friends and are getting bullied and are really depressed.
Forgot to say, i had abselotely no self estem ^^
Sorry my poor english :-)

- simon_james2205 - 04-28-2014 01:32 AM

I understand how you feel. It sounds like everything in life is getting on top of you and you're really feeling all the negatives. Does your life feel like it's out of your control? I think the biggest thing you can do is to start to take back control of your life. It isn't going to be perfect but if you can feel like you're doing things the way you want then you will feel better.

* You may have already tried this, but how about asking one or more of your family what activity they would like to do with you- then you're telling them you want to spend time with them and letting them choose what to do. This will also give you an opportunity to talk to them about the things that you're not happy about in life and I hope they listen to you.

* Focus on the people who do spend time with you. If people can't be bothered to spend time with you then don't spend time thinking about them, talk to other people that you don't yet know very well- one or two of them could turn out to be great friends in the future.

* It does sound like people might be taking advantage of you, but it's hard for us to say because we don't see the whole situation. It's natural in life to give to other people and share with them, but it's normal for them to treat you the same way. If they don't, they are taking advantage of you.

* Forget when people un-follow you on instagram because actually it doesn't matter... most people who use it are quite shallow and don't really care about the people they follow- having followers doesn't mean anything. The people who matter will stand by you.

* 90% of bullies treat other people badly because of their own insecurities and confidence problems. Bullying other people makes them feel powerful and takes their mind off their own problems. It isn't that there's actually something wrong with you- they are just making themselves feel better by bullying you... have as little to do with them as you can and try not to respond to them- just make them think you don't care (even if you do) because they want to see your reactions, so if you don't give them what they want they have lost their power over you.

* Your height issues... this is where I'm actually most able to help. I did a study on height and I have spoken to a lot of people who have the same issues as you. I can help you to work out how much more you're likely to grow, as well as how to help your body to do that growing. I can also give you tips on how to look taller if that would help, so that the height difference with your friends doesn't feel so big, and how to look your age because that's often awkward. If you want to talk details you can mail me through my profile or I'm not selling anything and I don't want to know anything personal about you, I'm just trying to share information that can help people.