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Should I be worried or am I overthinking? - Printable Version

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Should I be worried or am I overthinking? - Swimagirl - 04-28-2014 12:58 AM

So I posted a picture last week on facebook of me and this guy I am seeing and I tagged him in it so it apperaed on his timeline. I was on his facebook wall today and noticed the picture was good. It still appeared in his tag photos but it wasnt on his timeline anymore. He NEVER goes on facebook so i thought this was weird. Were still seeing each other and he has said he really likes me. Is this odd behaviour or do you think there is a good explanation... i wont ask him about it..what do you think should i just forget about it

- Annabelle - 04-28-2014 01:00 AM

That's why I got rid of my FB account to begin with. It adds extra drama to real life: Did he delete me? Did he block me" Did he untag himself? the drama goes on and on.. If he said he likes you let it be. YES forget about Facebook, he probably does not want to broadcast his life for the world to see or he is shy. Who knows? Forget about it

- Kevin Kristopher - 04-28-2014 01:06 AM

how sure are you that he never goes on facebook? if its not him who remove it in his timeline then who? another someone special maybe? or maybe it's him, he doesn't want others to see that he's seeing someone so that he can flirt to someone else?

- BigScaryBob - 04-28-2014 01:08 AM

Let it go and don't think twice about it. It just might be a FB glitch that it got bumped or your cache just opened a previous version of the page or the ghosts in the machines got together with the gremlins and they spray painted it white on you just for laughs.
If nothing else he is doing indicates a change in his feelings about you then asking about it could make you look like you just suddenly grew a big cold sore the size of a dime on your upper lip right in front of his eyes.
Can you see the look on his face in your mind?
Let it go, it's nothing...

- sabrina - 04-28-2014 01:16 AM

Honestly Facebook makes things a lot more dramatic.I would let it go and just forget it