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Did she ever have feelings for me? - Printable Version

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Did she ever have feelings for me? - noisypot276 - 04-28-2014 01:02 AM

I met a girl in Sydney late last year I live 2 1/2 hours from Sydney. We talked everyday for almost 3 months we tried to see each other again but struggled to due to my work commitments. She suggested she'd come and see me and stay at my place for the night. The night before she was due to visit she messaged me telling me she was not coming as she had met someone. I was shattered so I told her I did not want to stay in contact and deleted her from facebook. She said sorry and that it was the distance nothing more. She blocked me a few days later.
I maintained the NC rule for three months I then noticed her comments had re-appeared on my FB. In a moment of weakness I saw she had unblocked me and had changed her status to "in a relationship" just days before she had unblocked me. I thought I was over it so I said hi she immediately responded told me things where great and she was moving in with her new guy. It got to me so I told her I couldn't talk to her and asked her to block me again. She didn't want to but agreed. I was shattered so a friend suggested I tell her how I feel.
I contacted her via a friends FB and told her how I felt about and told her I only tell her this for my closure and I didn't want a response. She changed her profile pic to her and her new guy, unblocked me and told me she was sorry and it was the distance. I asked her to block me again again she responded when there was no need but she promised but I blocked her. My friends think she is two minds?

- elizabeth - 04-28-2014 01:09 AM

I think she had feelings for you at the beginning, but doesn't anymore. Distance relationships often fail because meetings are hard to arrange. She unblocked you on facebook because she's fond of you, but that's all. If you don't want to be reminded of her, block her. She doesn't need to block you. It works both ways.