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Will Facebook one day censor words, much like Yahoo! Answers does? - Printable Version

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Will Facebook one day censor words, much like Yahoo! Answers does? - voicelessstove865 - 04-28-2014 01:10 AM

- Brian - 04-28-2014 01:13 AM

Nope, people would abandon Facebook soon. Check out Torbook

- Cyn - 04-28-2014 01:22 AM

Funny, but I was under the impression that they already did.
Maybe my memory isn't serving me well, but I seem to recall things that I've typed coming up turned into ****s, and then my going back in and editing my text to get rid of those ****s.

- Richard - 04-28-2014 01:27 AM

May be.
It will depending on person to person.
Somebody use it for nonsense, but someone for good thing.
It look like as we want to seen it.
Hope you will understand . . .