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Google Adword/CPC & SEO Question? - Printable Version

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Google Adword/CPC & SEO Question? - fatfinger563 - 04-28-2014 01:11 AM

I wanted to make sure I'm using this service correctly:

I first put my article title/subject in the keyword generator:

Then I chose the keywords w/ the highest CPC, and inserted those keywords into the article content.

This is what I did, however, the Google ads which appear on the side bar are different from my keywords, and they have less CPC (I checked the ad titles on the key word generator as well)

Are the generated Google ads supposed to different from the keywords I chose, or am I doing something wrong?

Thank You!

- Howard - 04-28-2014 01:15 AM

Hi Salena,

Not sure if you are looking to get your article ranked organically in the search engines or if you are looking to do Pay Per Click/Cost Per Click advertising.

They are completely different.

If you are looking to optimize your article which by your question it seems you are, here are some tips to help you.

1) Go to Google Keyword tool as you already did and research your keyword for your article.
What you are looking for is the Global Monthly Searches and how much competition their is for that keyword.

Something with a Global Monthly Search or higher is what to aim for.

Then take that keyword and type it into the regular Google search to see how many "Results" it brings back which show directly under the search bar.

You will want to look for 300,000 results or less. This means with proper article marketing you have a good chance of getting organically ranked in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages)

2) Once you find a good keyword (2,000 or more searches and 300,000 or less results) you now create your title.Try to make sure to include it in the beginning of your title.

3) Now you want to use that same keyword in your article to keyword optimize it and let Google know exactly what your article is about. The general rule is using the keyword about 2 % in your article.

4) Next in your resource box of your article if you are submitting to Article Directories such as Ezine Article you can hyperlink your keyword to the site you want your visitors to go.

~ The key is to find a highly search keyword with low competition. Once you do that you have found a gem Wink

Hope his helps answer your question!

In Success,
Howie Perks

In Success,
Howie Perks