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Do I need internet connection to play Diablo III single player mode? - Printable Version

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Do I need internet connection to play Diablo III single player mode? - Jakson Young - 04-28-2014 01:14 AM

Please help me to find out....i dont have internet connection now and Diablo III is coming out this May. I am very disappointed if internet connection is required to play the single player game.

- yyme YS - 04-28-2014 01:16 AM

Well, you have to try it so you'll know the answer.

- Justin - 04-28-2014 01:24 AM

Yes you will be required to have Internet connection for everything Battle net and single player.

- Kevin - 04-28-2014 01:30 AM

Yes you will need an internet connection to play Diablo 3 because in order to play diablo 3 you either have to
A) Get in the beta and download it (Currently the only Option)
B)Digital Download the game when it is out
C) Buy the game in a store and put the CD key onto to install the game
So an internet connection will unforetunatly be needed I am quite sorry good luck with the internet connection thing, If i were you i'd just go play some skyrim but whatever

- Happysquirrel916 - 04-28-2014 01:40 AM

Sorry, Your one of the few to not have internet on your gaming p.c,

- Just Nice - 04-28-2014 01:41 AM

No, you dont need internet connection. I have a friend work in Blizzard, he told me internet connection is not required to play Diablo 3 Single player mode.

Good luck and enjoy the game.