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I think my GF is cheating on me? - Printable Version

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I think my GF is cheating on me? - zackery - 04-28-2014 01:18 AM

She dosn't apply make up when she sees me anymore, for an outing she wanted to go clubing with me, she comes home with me but dose not want sex.

That night I asked her if she would see me the next day to watch movies she says no.

She gets home from work but gose strate to sleep even though she useually has great diffucilty sleeping and is almost never asleep at that time, just happend to be on the night she didn't want to visit me.

Her only day off this week is thursday she said she'll see me wensday night only but won't spend thursday with me.
I will also add she went home for work this morning at 10am but I she starts work at 3pm. I offered to take her to work but everytime I offer to take her to work she prevents it by saying she dosn't want to bring her make up to my place.

Seems like a poor excuse.
to those who are saying she has no interest in me, she always says she loves me and we had very regular sex before this week.

- Sara - 04-28-2014 01:24 AM

I'm a girl and I think she lost interest forget her she might not be cheating but she lost interest

- Blue SKY - 04-28-2014 01:30 AM

You need more proof than this and I suggest you just do a search for the signs of a cheater and take it from there.

- marcus - 04-28-2014 01:33 AM

She just has no interest in YOU.

- Natalie - 04-28-2014 01:40 AM

As hard as this is going to sound I think she either is talk of or meeting someone else or maybe she is just not feeling the same way about you anymore, when I was with my ex we used to see each other all the time he was in the army so only saw him at weekends but every weekend without fail he would come see me, after he came back from his afghan tour for 6 weeks we went away over Xmas and she. We came back he changed, he never text me all the time anymore like we would only speak at night even though he would be on his phone during the day, when it was weekends he stopped coming to see me and then one night he told me I was boring that I don't go out anymore so I went out one night and he accused me of cheating then I went on his Facebook for the first time ever and he was chatting to a girl I kicked off and he split up with me, not heard from him since, now he still says to people now that he judt wasn't happy in the relationship anymore, split up! It won't get any better! Only worse