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I Don't Have Any Friends...? - Printable Version

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I Don't Have Any Friends...? - Excessivedinner870 - 04-28-2014 01:19 AM

I moved to Utah 3 years ago. I really like some of the people here but in the last three years I have moved around friend groups many times. Like too many times. I live in a small town where everyone has lived here for years and has their friends since kindergarten. I move every 2-4 years so I don't know what that's like. But so many if the groups I join don't truly accept me. They say they do and I sort of feels like they do some more than others, but I haven't found where I belong. Everybody leaves or I leave. I just want someone to stay for once. After 2 1/2 years I finally recently found a few friends who accepted me. But they were in the grade above me. Now I never see them because they go to a different school they ignore me now and are mean to me. So they're goes another group of people I thought I could trust. But now it's almost been 3 years and I have like 4 friends maximum. I'm fine with that and these guys are a good influence on me and I know they accept me truly. But I might be moving in like 3 months. I hate leaving people, more that trying to find new friends. My parents are like 90% sure I'm gonna move. Plus I don't want to get hurt and left alone again. I just want someone to stay with me no matter how far away I live. My sisters have had it happen, but it doesn't work for me trust me I've tried MANY times to make long distance friendships work. Please help anyone. I feel really alone...

- lola - 04-28-2014 01:22 AM

While you're still at school, it's totally normal that friends come and go. I move alot and move schools a lot, and to be honest I don't have any friends. Like, there are a few poeple I talk to and sometimes facebook with, but i'm not close to any one of them and i always find myself alone.
I kinda accepted it by now and I'm just looking forward to growing up, going to college or getting a job and settling in one place, since I won't have to be with my parents anymore. Life will be good.
So you can just enjoy meeting lots of different people, at least now you know what kind of qualities you like in people. Who knows, if you move, you might find new friends yet again who you might have much mroe in common with.
If the recent friendships you have were meant to work out, they will. You can arrange to meet your friends from time to time when you come visit. If not, just be happy that person was at some point in your life to make you happy, but you can have new friends.