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Samsung Galaxy S3 vs. Droid DNA vs. iPhone 5.? - Printable Version

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Samsung Galaxy S3 vs. Droid DNA vs. iPhone 5.? - Sam - 04-28-2014 01:22 AM

I am currently an iPhone 5 user. However, the front phone screen recently shattered because of a minor accident involving hills and snow (whoops!). The phone still works, but I am required to pay 250$ to replace my severely damaged phone. Although I love Apple, I'm bored with iOS and may be looking for a change. That being said, iMessage and iTunes are huge factors that have kept me attached to Apple for a long time. I'm faced with the annoying challenge of trying to decide whether or not I should pay for the replacement iPhone or take on a new phone. I'm not sure what to do right now as I know the SG4 is expected to drop around spring as well as the HTC M7 a bit earlier. However, right now I don't have a properly functioning phone and I need one.

I text quite a bit, about 3800 messages a month. I listen to music everyday on my phone, and use the internet occasionally. I rarely use third party apps and if I do they're silly such as Angry Birds, Temple Run, Facebook, and Instagram. I only buy phones in black, but that's not a problem since all three come in my desired color. Battery life is key for me too, I use my phone quite frequently. Extra factors such as voice commands and gigabyte space don't matter that much to me. I have about 24GB of material now, and I have for several years now. I'm not worried about expanding my data.

Ultimately, I was just hoping to get some advice. Has anyone had a lot of experience with these phones? For an 18 year old teenager, which sounds the best? As mentioned in the second paragraph, the needs for my phone are do-able by most smart phones out today, it's just these are the three I like. Waiting is always an option, but with a barely visible screen right now, it's something I'm trying to avoid. Thank you Smile

Side note: I am a Verizon Wireless user if that matters in anyway.

- Conor Walters - 04-28-2014 01:31 AM

There is a reason why the iphone is the best, anyone can use it. I would definitely recommend it. It also has a great screen.