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What will happen if i accidentally went to a Child Porn site? - Printable Version

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What will happen if i accidentally went to a Child Porn site? - Jordan - 04-28-2014 01:22 AM

So i was doing some research on the NAMBLA and an ad for there site came up and i clicked on it, not knowing what i was getting into. i saw what i was on and clicked right out of it. will i get in some legall trouble for that?

- LuckyMastermind572 - 04-28-2014 01:26 AM


- Jim - 04-28-2014 01:30 AM

If you went there just once and didn't download anything, the risk is minimal.

- Mike - 04-28-2014 01:31 AM

probably not, BUT....some of these sites are booby-trapped and if you click on them, your computer gets locked up by viruses and the message demands you put money on a "Green Dot" card to get the unlock code.