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when a person you consider a good acquaintance doesnt add you on FB, what should you do next time you meet? - Printable Version

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when a person you consider a good acquaintance doesnt add you on FB, what should you do next time you meet? - largebushes463 - 04-28-2014 01:24 AM

Me and this girl i think are good acquaintances until I added her on FB. We meet occasionally and we've had good greetings, conversations, jokes ,laughs, etc. I would honestly say she's a good acquaintance and that im happy to see her. I saw her FB and added her coz I like her as a person and would want her to become a friend but she didnt add me though, she has like just over a 100 friends and she might be carefully picking who she accepts but why would she though when most people just add whoever in FB, right?I honestly felt bad about it coz sometimes i feel like she doesnt like me as a friend and now whenever i see her its all awkward coz I dont know if she did saw my request but its been like 3 weeks now, should i bring it up, i dont know what to do.. what should I do?

- Lolina - 04-28-2014 01:29 AM

Just keep being nice to her, don't worry about facebook -

- Mr. Lol - 04-28-2014 01:38 AM

add her on MSN, her email is on her profile in facebook

- sunkissed376 - 04-28-2014 01:48 AM

thats kinda weird. i understand not adding people on FB that you dont know, but this girl knows you and she hasn't added you?

honestly i would bring it up. you can do it in a joking manner like "oh hey, guess im not cool enough to be your friend on the internet" or something casual, to ease the tension but i do think you should bring it up.

- Isley - 04-28-2014 01:57 AM

Just bring it up very confidently, like it's no big deal and say, "Hey, I sent you a request to friend me on FB. You should totally add me." And whatever her answer is, just leave it at that. It's honestly not a big deal. Actually, it's kind of funny that you almost put more weight on your FB relationship rather than the actual REAL LIFE relationship you're cultivating with this person. LOL. Don't take offense to that though. It's just a sign of the times.

- Joe S - 04-28-2014 02:05 AM

Let them be not everyone is that damn friendly I know I am not. She is a acquaintance not a friend a hate it when people you know you don't know wants to be your FB friend. I don't want over 100 friends that complicates real friends that you know you talk to.

- hvn_fun2 - 04-28-2014 02:09 AM

Oh, just get over it. Facebook in not even real life. I have just UNDER 100 friends on FB., and out of those, less than 20 that are actually my friends/family. Friends of friends like my comments, and ask to be added....I read thier comments and say yes or just leave it. Not that I don't like them....I just don't know them.
Friends in real life are much better than Facebook friends. Try to nurture your real life friendship.